Sunday, October 31, 2010

Homemade Ranch Dip

Why should you make your own Homemade Ranch Dip?  
Did you know that many store bought dressings, dips, and packets contain chemicals, artificial flavorings, preservatives and even food colorings?  (Go to the bottle- check the label- look for monosodium glutamate aka MSG- a known neurotoxin!)  Is this something you would want your children eating as a "healthy" food?    Of course not!  Children and adults alike need nourishing foods, especially nourishing real fats!  When you eat your veggies with some fat, like a healthy homemade ranch dip made from organic full fat sour cream and homemade mayo made from pastured egg yolks, you will be absorbing more vitamins and minerals from your veggies.  This healthy homemade ranch dip is sure to be of more benefit to you, and help you and your children's body get way more nutrients out of those veggies! You need fat to absorb those fat soluble vitamins! Make sure it's pasture raised or at least organic sour cream to have full benefit for this healthy ranch dip!

Homemade Ranch Dip

1/2 cup full-fat organic sour cream (preferably from pastured raised cows)
1/2 cup homemade mayo (you can also use just all-sour cream)
1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp parsley, preferably fresh chopped
Real Sea Salt and Pepper to taste
Herbs: Basil, Dill and or Chives

Optional spices: I like to use a variety of fresh herbs like basil, dill and fresh chives to add more flavor. You can add paprika, fresh lemon juice or a variety of spices depending on your preference.

I combine all ingredients and mix in a food processor. Serve right away, or will keep in the fridge in a jar for about a week.

Enjoy the dipping!
 This post is part of  Real Food Wednesdays


Laurie Neverman, The Common Sense Woman said...

Thanks for sharing. I'll likely try this sometime soon, as the boys like ranch dip and the bottled stuff is rather nasty.

Nourishing Creations said...

That's a great idea. It's really easy to make, especially past the first time! You might need to add more spices- just keep adding them until it tastes like ranch!

Kelsey said...

I've found that adding dill really makes it taste like the stuff from the store (this is important in my family since my husband loves the yucky store-bought stuff). Thanks for sharing!

Nourishing Creations said...

Oh yes! Dill, sometimes I add that too!! I'll add it to the list! It is important to get it tasting just as "good" as the other kind! ;)

Sense of Home Kitchen said...

Love this recipe, I will be saving this one. Thanks!


Christy said...

I am just really beginning to make my own dressings - this one sounds simple and delicious! thanks for sharing it with us at the hearth and soul hop!

Hunger and Thirst said...

I've tried making homemade ranch a few times, but never managed to get the seasonings right. I'll be trying this one for certain. Thanks for sharing with the Hearth and Soul hop.

Nourishing Creations said...

It's all about adding *enough* spices. If these measurements aren't enough for your tastes, feel free to keep adding until it tastes like ranch! I feel like it's closer to ranch when I do a mayo/sour cream combo, but the sour cream recipe alone is enough to trick my toddler into not knowing any different :) Let me know how it goes!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this, it was delicious. My teen and toddler just devoured a whole bowl of it. :) I used a mix of sour cream, mayo and plain yogurt..

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