Sunday, June 6, 2010

Gourmet Chocolate Buttercream Sheet Cake


Molly said...

Looks yummy!

ilikewinter said...

I found you through a friend of a friend of a friend... =)

Glad I did! I am also big on these food values and run an organic/local/fair-trade bakery here in Utah (; it's always great to find people in the field who have the same principles. It's also great to see others educating people in healthy food lifestyles (even if it is satisfying your sweet tooth!). Do you follow Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution?

Nourishing Creations said...

Thanks for finding me! I hope you'll come back for more! Thats exciting about your bakery- what a great way to live your passion and share it with others! I've seen the food revolution. I'll have to visit your bakery next time i'm in utah! (my home!)

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