Monday, May 3, 2010

Recent Events concerning our freedom to eat!

I've recently become aware of the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund and their suit vs. the Department of Health and Human Services/FDA.

The FDA lawyers are trying to dismiss this case claiming:

a. There is No Right to Consume or Feed Children Any Particular Food.

b. There is No Generalized Right to Bodily and Physical Health.

c. There is No Fundamental Right to Freedom of Contract.

Here is the legal documents here:

So there we have it, what the real "rules" say regarding how their regulations impact our "health."
They claim we have no right to health, or to our children's health.

As a mother, and a person who likes to choose where I get my food, who cares a great deal about what my food is made of and what food goes into my child's body- this infuriates me. I'm glad the FDA finally put in writing what their "policies" are regarding our "health."

If you want to help start changing our freedom's to access healthy foods, you can start here: Whether you drink raw milk or not, this bill is entirely important in deciding our future freedoms of food choice and access.

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