Monday, April 6, 2009

What is your or your child's body foundation made of?

This resonated with my food loving, mothering, nourishing soul.   We've got to nourish our bodies with real traditional food to have humanity literally continue on...

"... Care and attention to the diet during preconception, pregnancy and growth will provide your child with that greatest of gifts—a strong, well-formed healthy physical body and keen, creative mind. But parents need accurate information on how to do this.....

...It is instructive to use the analogy of building a house to underscore the importance of optimal nutrition for the infant. A house that is spacious and strongly built will serve as a pleasant home for many, many years, even if the occupants are less than conscientious about the upkeep. And if such a house falls into disrepair because of poor maintenance, it can be brought back to good condition again with the proper attention. But a house that is poorly built may never be comfortable and will require constant maintenance just to keep it from falling down.

Most children growing up today live in the latter type of house. Throughout life, in order to be healthy, such individuals will need to pay very careful attention to their diets at all times. Their houses will likely be constantly springing leaks—allergies, digestive problems, fatigue, behavior abnormalities, etc. Those born before the Second World War, when the food most Americans ate was of excellent quality, likely live in a body that is solidly build; these lucky individuals can indulge in junk food, at least for a time, without showing any signs of poor health, and if they are careful to eat a nutrient-dense traditional diet, can count on a long and healthy life.

Providing the information parents need to give their children their birthright of a healthy, well-built body must be our number one priority if humanity is to make any further progress on this earth. The effort parents put into good nutrition for their children, starting even before conception, will return many blessings for the child, the parents and the generations to come." 
- Sally Fallon, President of Weston A. Price Foundation

What do you think?


Molly said...

I'm wondering if there are any Oreos in the vending machine down the hall.

Nourishing Creations said...

haw haw. I like cookies too.

Smithers said...

I am really glad you posted this. I have been fretting a lot about this lately because my girls have turned so picky. I will keep trying. Also, this pregnancy has been much harder to be healthier than the one with the girls.
Any suggestions?

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