Friday, November 26, 2010

Smoked Salmon and Chive Cheese Ball

A nourishing salmon chive cheese ball is the perfect combination of smokey salmon, dill and garden fresh chives with fresh cream cheese.  Topped with salmon roe this appetizer packs a punch with nutrition.

My back yard is covered in fresh chives brimming between fall leaves. I feel like a natural forager when I go outside to clip off some fresh oniony chives.

Wild smoked salmon is a great source of omega 3 fats that keep your brain and moods in tip top shape. To benefit fully from these omega 3 fats, they need a gob of saturated fat to keep them absorbable by the body.  You will absorb way more nutrition from this salmon superfood  if you have it with some cream, butter or other nourishing fat.   The same thing goes for salmon roe.

In traditional cultures, there were select special foods, that were given to women during preconception and pregnancy, that were known to provide nutrients for making well formed healthy children. Many of the groups of traditional people that had access to sea sought out fish caviar, like salmon roe, to nourish growing children and provide the special nutrients required to grow well formed, defect-free babies.  These people were very wise in careful preparation and providence for their future generations.

  These special nutrients, that were necessary for their proper development, were analyzed and found to be animal based Vitamin A (already converted- not beta carotene, the veggie form)  and Activator X, also known as Vitamin K2.     These two nutrients are very important in the formative period of in-utero babies and children, ensuring proper bone growth, organ development and gene expression (so the good genes have available nutrients to be activated.)  For adults, they are important for healing tooth decay and preventing osteoporosis, among other diseases.

Here's a simple, gourmet recipe that will help you incorporate and absorb these powerful nutrients!

  • 1-2 cups cream cheese, fresh  or 1 package organic cream cheese
  • 2-4 ounces wild smoked salmon
  • 1 tsp fresh or dried dill
  • Handful of fresh chives, chopped
  • Crackers or Cucumber Slices for spreading
  • Crispy or Blanched Almond Slices to roll on cheeseball once formed.

      • S
        almon Roe, I got mine from Vital Choice while at the Weston A Price Conference, but you can order it online, or find a local fish monger. 

Mix ingredients together in a bowl with softened cream cheese and flaked salmon. Roll into a ball shape and roll in a plate of almonds until covered. Spread on your favorite sprouted crackers, or use as a veggie spread or dip.

-Nourishing Creations-

 Part of Hearth n Soul Hop at
and Monday Mania at Healthy Home Economist


Anonymous said...

Salmon roe was one of my daughter's favorite foods--she called it "orange peas." Unfortunately, the curse of the picky eater has taken over and she wont touch the stuff. This looks delicious though--I'll have to give it a try!

Christy said...

What a delicious, healthy and easy way to get salmon in your diet - thanks for sharing this with the hearth and soul hop!

Nourishing Creations said...

And, I totally understand the curse of the picky eater! I don't think my kid would touch it! But, I can only hope that sometime in the future!

It's so nourishing!

Unknown said...

i had no idea that roe was healthy...i always thought it was fattening and one of the "worst" things i could eat...although i eat it anyway :) i love the idea of a cheeseball that i can make in advance but is so upscale. stopping by from hearth and soul

Nourishing Creations said...

Christy- You are so on te right track- It is VERY healthy, a nutrient dense Superfood! It has 17,000 IU of vitamin D per tablespoon! AMAZING. No other food is such a strong source of vit D. Enjoy your salmon roe!

Couscous & Consciousness said...

Looks gorgeous - I love it when something so utterly delicious really packs it on the nutritional front as well :-)

Kim said...

Looks good! We made our own roe this year~I can't wait to make this!

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