Saturday, November 20, 2010

Giveaway Winner of Nourishing Traditions!

.....The winner is entry #67    KIM! 

Blogger Kim said...

I liked you on FB :-)  "November 10, 2010 8:50 PM  
Email me at nourishingcakes at gmail dot com  to claim your SIGNED copy of Nourishing Traditions!   Congratulations! 

I had to track Sally down at the conference, and I found her by the Vital Choice vendor booth, I had to wait "in line" a few minutes to wait to talk to her :)
Here is the Author Sally Fallon Morell and I when she signed the book!

Here is what she wrote in the book!  "Yours in Good Health!"

 Make sure you don't miss another Giveaway! Sign up for email updates up on the right hand side- just pop your email in  the box  and confirm!   Thank you to everyone who participated in Nourishing Creations first giveaway! I hope to do more soon! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Me said...

Congrats to Kim!

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