Monday, September 6, 2010

Homemade Fresh Salsa

Preserving and Eating the Harvest!   Fresh Salsa with a probiotic bonus!
  • Mix Together: 1/3 tsp salt ¼ tsp pepper, 1 ½ tsp garlic powder ½ tsp onion powder ¼ tsp. celery seed 1/2 tsp (or more!) chili powder in separate bowl
  • In Food Processor, add lots of halved tomatoes, chilis, and onion. 
  • Pulse to chop. Add spices and juice of one lime, if desired.

  • You can add a tablespoon of Whey to preserve for longer. Whey adds enzymes, making this a cultured food- and it will last longer in the fridge! This is adding probiotics to your salsa. Leave the jar of salsa with whey out overnight, then store in the fridge.
  • Add ¼ to ½ cup freshly chopped cilantro Add more tomatoes if you want it chunkier.  Eat fresh, or If you added whey, leave on counter overnight to culture. Store in fridge. Eat with tortilla chips!

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