Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Want to learn how to Buy, Prepare and Cook Real Food?

I want to share with you why I'm going to be taking  this online class!  And why you should do the same!  I've been following and learning a real food way of life for the past 2 years,  it's been a long, sometimes bumpy, sometimes lonely road!  I've had to troubleshoot, search and research all on my own how to nourish my body and my family,  through much trial and error.  I was living in Utah at the time I discovered the book Real Food: What to Eat and Why by Nina Planck. I was set, and I wanted to eat real food- but where to start? I had no idea.  I had access to regular supermarkets, and had no idea what "real food" looked like, or where to get it.  I started with eggs, I found farm eggs at a local market and also a farmers market.   Maybe you've felt lost trying to know which foods really are "best"?

  It's taken me a long time to develop and experiment with recipes that are truly nourishing, and made from unprocessed ingredients.    In this class-  you will be getting a 2 year head start on the real food world!  It's 2 years of real food trial and error- and you get it ALL in 12 self-paced weekly classes!   I would have done whatever it took to condense all the knowledge i've gained over 2 years, into 12 weeks!  Then I would have had a real start on what to eat and what not to eat- without reading book after book after months and months of online study and research.   
  I'm going to do now, what I didn't have access to before- and that is learn ALL I can about ways to prepare real nourishing unprocessed food for my family.  It's SO important to start TODAY,  children grow so fast, and every day their meals impact how they grow and what their bodies are made of!  I wish I could have started feeding my family truly nourishing meals from day one- but it's taken me 2 years to get a repertoire of ingredients, recipes and ideas under my belt.  You will benefit from day one- every condensed piece of real food information- provided to you!
    I'm taking this class so I can learn new recipes and methods of preparing food.  I wish I would have had this resource when I was just diving in- and now I'm not going to miss this opportunity!
  Your family deserves the best most vibrant health, free from these modern health tragedies:
  • Autism, learning disabilities, hyperactivity or ADHD
  • Food allergies
  • Being unable to climb steps or get out of a chair
  • Expensive prescription medications with a long list of side effects
  • No energy or sex drive
  • Infertility
  • Depression
  • Childhood obesity & diabetes
  • Expensive dental and orthodontic bills

    I'm looking forward to new ways to feed my family real food!  I hope to see you in class so we can discuss what we're learning!

Here is  a short overview of what you'll be learning! I'm so excited!

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