Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Upcoming Class April 24th!

Nourishing yourself
after baby
Have you recently had a baby or have kids and feel worn-down, tired, lifeless? Do you spend all your energy filling and nourishing your children, but feel you have let your own well-being slip to the side? Come revitalize and rebuild your well-being. When you take care of yourself, you have more to give to your little ones. Learn about:
  • Foods that fill you and sustain your energy.
  • What supplements do you really need?
  • How do certain health conditions like postpartum depression, tooth decay, and poor eyesight relate to our personal nourishment after pregnancy?
  • How to rebuild your depleted nutrient stores.
  • Learn about which foods are the most nutritious to eat and how to prepare foods for maximum absorption.
  • Taste some Nourishing Creations!
WHEN: Saturday, April 24, 2010

TIME: 10:00 a.m. – noon

Health Promotion Specialist
Real Food and Nutrition Educator
Specializing in Mother and Baby-Toddler Health
Nourishing Creations Chef - www.nourishingcreations.com

Special One-Time Workshop Sponsored by Local Food Beat www.localfoodbeat.com

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