Thursday, December 17, 2009

Swine Flu Vaccine Reactions too close to home

Take this for what you will, but I want to share what happened to two men at my husband's work this week who just got the swine flu shot. I want to share this to offer some thought and warning to you because I care about you. :)

On Monday (Dec 14th) my husband was working, his co-worker came up to him and said, "Hey work is giving out swine flu vaccines, and there is no wait right now." My husband replied, "I'm not convinced that those actually work." Another coworker overheard and said to the other coworker, "Hey, I'll go down with you to get a shot." They go get their shots.
Tuesday Dec 15th. The second co worker didn't show up to work at all the next day. He stayed home sick because he became ill. He came in for half a day on Wednesday very groggy and sick. He then came to work again wednesday with a very hoarse raspy voice from the illness.
The first co-worker, the one who suggested the trip to get their swine flu vaccines, came to work on Tuesday the 15th, he started having blurred vision and couldn't see his computer screen, he went to take a break, and he couldn't see anyone's faces, or focus on anything. He ended up at the hospital that day, and has been at the hospital and has not returned to work since. Turns out, this 30-something generally healthy man had a "mini-stroke" they are calling it. (Not something he should have had at his age and health status.)

I personally don't think this is a coincidence that both these men had their swine flu vaccines and became immediately ill. The people at their office are talking about, "I wonder if it was the swine flu shot?? They both just had it."
My husband shared this story with me, and I'm so grateful that we both had previously made the decision to not have any flu vaccines for us or our child. The ingredients in the swine flu shots are not healthy and inhibit and weaken the immune system, and have the potential to cause neurological damage.
I believe that the best guard against the flu is eating all whole naturally grown food to support your natural defenses. Also sunshine when possible and vitamin D-3 in the winter months when the sun is less penetrating. "Let food be thy medicine."
Having this example so close to home just solidifies my thoughts regarding this shot. I wanted to share this story with you, take it for what it's worth.

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