Saturday, September 5, 2009

September Food Goals :)

This month I want to:

Make Homemade Ketchup (so Jade can "dip it"!)
Bottle 24 Jars of Salsa
Bottle 15 Jars of Tomatoes
Learn to Make Pickles- and Bottle them!
Make Homemade Mayonnaise
Bottle 2-3 Jars of Peaches (since I have to buy them this year :( they are pricey.)
Make 2-3 Batches of Tomato Soup to get us through the winter dreary fruitless months.
Make room in the small freezer for tomato soup!
Freeze Grapes!

BIG Goals but I need to do it to ensure my food for the winter! Nothing beats Homemade tomato soup from summer on a cold wintery day!!

1 comment:

Elen said...

Wow! That's an impressive list of goals!!! I have every confidence in you to get it all done!!! Good luck! Sounds yummy.

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