Saturday, July 4, 2009

In the Cake business!

I have decided, due to a high demand, that I am going to start my own traditional cake baking business!
Business is such a heavy word, but I'm not sure what else to call it. I've really been thinking and looking for something I can do that I love, while still being with Jade.
I belong to a food group that seeks out the highest quality foods in the local area. A few people have looked for suggestions for cakes.
A recent email said "I'm looking for a natural ingredient cake for my wives birthday...I know one made with raw cream and milk would be too much to ask...but I thought i'd put it out there...anyone want to start their own business?"
And it struck me, why not? I can make a cake with the best quality ingredients, and I like to bake, and I need something to do. I emailed him back and told him I'd be willing to make his wive's birthday cake for the cost of ingredients + small profit.
He agreed and I linked him to my 'desserts' on my blog here! I'm so glad i've been keeping this blog- it is like my food resume'.
My first cake goes out on July 10th, I have to deliver it to DC, so that will be a whole other challenge in and of itself. Make a cake? No prob! Deliver it to a place with terrible traffic in the heat to a place you've never been? Not so much fun....
Anyway I'll be updating with photos of my first business cake- A 12''(HUGE) round cream cake- all organic and traditionally prepared (ie: expensive! raw cream is 11.00/qt). I have another scheduled for September if this one works out :)
Wish me luck!


Molly said...

Good luck! :) I know you're not making a wedding cake, but Smitten Kitchen has a section devoted to making one, and there are lots of really good tips there (like transport and professional finishes) that you might find useful. See the links under "Wedding Cake" if you've got time to read them:

Unknown said...
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Elen said...

Lizzie! How exciting! Good for you! I can't wait to hear about it.

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