Thursday, July 23, 2009

All local, short week :)

This week is a short week for us since we are going out of town Friday (only one gallon of milk needed ;) But all this food is local. The cost was 42.50. It is affordable to get local food, and its a much wiser dollar spent. I do have to go to the regular grocery store to get those reliable shelf-stable foods to take on the airplane. Gotta live flexibly :)
Going out of town always means there is unreliable food sources (ie: Wendys, lol) It's important we try to gear up our bodies for the onslaught of toxins, stress, and poor food quality when we go on vacation. We usually get sick when we go out of town, it makes sense, you have high stress when traveling, less sleep, new environments and being in an airplane while sharing reciruclated air with the people around you. I better go drink some cod liver oil before I leave tomorrow. haha.
I need some ideas of easy- not messy food I can take on the plane with us...we fly during dinner time. I'm nervous bc jade gets grouchy when she's hungry (she got that from me) and I'm not sure what would be a sufficient meal to take with us...that will make it past security, :) help?


Mandy said...

Here are some ideas (some are industrial, oh well) from Spencer and me: animal crackers, granola, carrots, peanuts, fruit snacks, cheerios, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, fruit, matooke, chapati, roasted bananas (sorry, we've been in Africa too long!). :)

Nourishing Creations said...

nice! but you take lots of trips. You still owe me an African meal!!!
We made it, we had hard salami, cheese, crackers, grapes and other snackys.

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